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The Opera of the Moon – Dijon Mai 2012

Brice Pauset, composer of Opera of the Moon

. Photo: C. Daguet / Editions Henry Lemoine

DIJON: The Opera of the Moon by Brice Pauset

Brice Pauset is résident compositor at the Opéra de Dijon 2010 to 2015.

Michel Morin is a strange and dreamy little boy who spends his nights on the moon. Everything is very sad on earth, his parents are gone and he does not know them, people with whom he lives are busy and do not understand it, the noise machines make war covers the birds singing and that of children. But up there, everything is more beautiful: it is téléféerique we move from star to star along the Milky Way, we work tirelessly to beautify the moon, and there’s even an opera, much better than the Paris Opera, no curtains, no chairs or boxes: Everyone is on stage and that’s Bastille Day every day. And above all, on the moon, there’s this boy and this girl who is smiling and perhaps lost his parents.<p>

It was in the early fifties that the poet Jacques Prévert wrote this fable magnificent Opera of the Moon, (L’Opéra de la lune) which, without any naivety, found throughout the complex world of childhood. Hymn to dreams and imagination, peace and harmony, to find the call seriously and freshness of the feelings of our early years is depressed that emerge subtly in The Opera of the moon pains and torments of a childhood sacrificed to values ​​well prosaic world of the postwar period – and the adult world is not it always a post-war? This is not the actual leak Michel Morin, starting on the moon in a dream, it is the invisible yet obvious unreality of a world that no longer knows how to enchant and has forgotten the joyous celebrations of poetry

The first new opera for the Opera in Dijon by Brice Pauset (born 1965) – which relies on Kinderszenen Lieder  by Robert Schumann and mixes with opera excerpts – is thus adressed to the whole family: children and adults, who have so much more to learn from each other. The regi is in the best hands by Damien Caille-Perret, who can be in a dream while keeping your feet on the ground, indicating the staging of this partition is also an opportunity to get acquainted with the world of opera, not that of the moon, that is to poets young and old, but that of the earth, the last refuge of the wonderful today, dreams and imagination


Based on the Booklet text by Jacques Prévert illustrated by Jacqueline Duheme in 1953, with a song by Christiane Verger, reprinted in 2007 by Editions Gallimard in a new version, words by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Ludwig Holty, Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx.

MUSICAL DIRECTOR Pauset Brice (representation for schools 14 May at 15h: conducted by Denis Comtet)
STAGING Damien Caille-Perret

OPÉRA: Grand théâtre

Opera de Dijon


CHEF DE CHANT Angéline Pondepeyre

MUSIQUE Brice Pauset, commande de L’Opéra de Dijon. Avec citations des Kinderszenen de Robert Schumann, Lieder de Franz Schubert, Karl Friedrich Zelter, Friedrich Heinrich Himmel, Johann Friedrich Reichardt, orchestrés par Brice Pauset

LA FEMME Luanda Siqueira, soprano
L’ENFANT en alternance Jérôme Billy / Anthony Lo Papa, ténors
L’HOMME Vincent Deliau, baryton
L’ENFANT/RÉCITANT Gilles Ostrowsky, comédien
L’ENFANT Jérémie Leymarie, figurant

sam 12 20h00
lun 14 20h00
mar 15 20h00


TARIF B de 5,50€ à 44€

DURÉE 1h20 environ sans entracte

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