Kulturkompasset | critics of culture events


The opening of the National Opera and Ballet House in Oslo was a large marking of how importent Opera and Ballet has been in Norway. Kulturkompassets Tomas Bagackas had the pleasure of enjoying the finishing firework outside the Opera building and could photo these fantastic photos. Please enjoy them. Push on them to get them larger. Fotos: Tomas Bagackas

By Henning Høholt,

Fotos: Tomas Bagackas.

The opening of the new operahouse in Oslo, Norway 12th. April 2008, was a remarkable event. After the performance all the Oslo area was pleased by a fairytale firework.


Our excellent photographer and chief designer TOMAS BAGACKAS was present every where, and too for the firework outside. Together with thousands of guests enjoying the entertainment
Please enjoy Tomas Bagackas fantastic photos

All the photos you can be bought by contacting: henning@kulturkompasset.com. Or by telephone +47 92836390.


Firework, Opening of Den Norske Opera og Ballett´s new home in Bjørvika Oslo. Foto: Tomas Bagackas

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