Kulturkompasset | critics of culture events

Grégoire Korganow – photoexposition in Montpellier

Grégoire Korganow – photo exposition in Montpellier 2014

by Henning Høholt

MONTPELLIER/FRANCE: Grégoire Korganow – photo exposition opened 22

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. June and is being preneted in AGORA, Cité International de la Danse, Montpellier until July 9th.

Grégoire Korsanow presenting his own photo exposition at Montpellier Danse Festival, Open at AGORA until 9th July.. Foto: Henning Høholt.


Korganow tells him self to Kulturkompasset: “I am not a portrait photographer, but for the last several years I have been photographing people specificalli their body. Taking pictures is how I connect with others. That is what drives me. My photography existx if another lets me in. For this project, I´m not interested to the execution of the movement but on the traces it leaves it leves on the still dancer, I will stop time as they exit stage. I will congeal movement. It is the silence after the last note that I will explore. What will I capture this time? The falling body? The tool-body? The ordinary body?”

In his photos Grégoire Korganow opens the viewers eyes in to a noew world, who has a sincere andhonest connection to the dance performance that the viewers has just seen, seen days in advance, or even are planning to see. By this honesty, the viewers are getting another motion and feeling about what is behind the hard work the dancers are doing, in fact , – for me, the critic -, i feel it is often much deeper and harder than what “ordinary” people even expect it to be.

Furthermore the technical presentation of the photo with large (and smaller) photos and also with a video show presenting in extra large sizes some of the photos
. is very well made. A good job has been done in preparing this exposition for the large national, and international audience at this years Montpellier Danse Festival 2014.

Please enjoy our video from the show at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB1Dds5NGpc


Foundation BNP PARIBAS is supporting this Festival.

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